Practical Hacks for Manifesting Anything you Want
Have you noticed the more things don’t go your way — the more things don’t go your way?
It feels like nothing you do makes a difference. You’ve done all the work and read all the books, but still, your life doesn’t seem to be moving forward. Even worse, you seem to be attracting all the things you don’t want! The exact things you are trying to put behind you.
Did you know it doesn’t have to be that way? I want to share a secret I stumbled upon in my own life. Something that once I figured out and put into practice, everything began to change.
I figured out that nothing was responsible for the lousy series of events that was my world, but me. I was the witch cursing all the goodness that could be my life. I discovered that fate was not the author of my misfortune. My thoughts, my unconscious thoughts, determined the conditions of my world. Then and there, I knew I could do something about it. There was a way out of my misery and seemingly lousy luck.
I must admit, when I understood this, I was totally freaked out! A part of me found it much easier to blame everything under the sun, everything other than me. A portion of me liked my little place as the victim. I could stay there, and I knew just what I would get—no surprises - but also no joy. I actually thought joy was a myth until I understood I had to take responsibility for my subconscious thoughts. To do this, I had first to understand how my subconscious mind was controlling my results in life and then create daily practices to ensure I was manifesting the life I truly wanted. So here goes…
The Conscious and Unconscious Mind - Which One Really Pulls the Strings?
The conscious mind is our everyday mind. We are aware of what it is thinking and doing at all times. That is great, but manifestation or life-creating occurs at the unconscious or subconscious mind level. So what is the unconscious mind?
According to Freud, the unconscious mind is the primary source of human behavior. Our feelings, motives, and the patterns of our decision making are actually powerfully influenced by our past experiences and stored in the unconscious. In other words, it’s the part of the mind that is pulling all the strings.
The subconscious mind influences our world. “The subconscious is not selective; it is impersonal and does not judge. The subconscious is not concerned with the truth or falsity of your feelings. It always accepts as true that which you “feel” to be true.” Neville Goddard, The key here is to see how we feel.
Whatever you “believe” becomes your reality
Whatever you believe or feel becomes your reality, never what you want. Our want is based on our feeling of lack. Simply because you are wanting it you don’t feel you truly have access to it. Belief and feeling are part of us deep down in our core.
If I believe I am not worthy I am not.
If I want to be worthy, I’m still not there.
If I feel that I’m worthy it’s a done deal.
It’s that simple — in theory. The thing is, most of what “we believe” we learn from someone else, whether it be a person (mother, father) or group of people (community, society, or our ancestors). If these beliefs are not in line with what we want, it will be tough to achieve our goals because our unconscious is working on what we believe is true. Not what we want to be true. Making sense?
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and feel as true, the subconscious can and must objectify. Your feelings create the pattern from which your world is fashioned, and a change of feeling is a change of pattern.”
~ Neville Goddard, Resurrection
So this is the good news. If we can change our feelings, we can change our patterns. That’s where the six NOT magical, completely practical practices to creating a life come in. They are what I did to change my feelings on an unconscious level. They are a practice because you can’t just do it once. You need to do it EVERY day to see real change.
Here are the 6 NOT Magical, Completely Practical Hacks for Manifesting Anything you Want:
Practice 1: Know That What You Already Have is Enough
We almost always ask for things from a potion of lack. We must change that broken record. Make it a daily practice to look around and see how fortunate you are. I know this can be hard when you are in a funky place but look around; there is always something to be grateful for. Make that gratitude list. Some days I simply put my breath on my list. Most days, I surprise myself with how long my list can be
Practice 2: Become the Observer of Your Thoughts
Begin to notice all the negative thoughts you create and write them down. It is essential to see them outside of your mind. Then ask yourself if you would say these things to any other living soul on the planet. I’ll assume not. Now write just as many positive thoughts that you feel are true.
Practice 3: Rewrite the script
Say out loud these new positive thoughts to yourself with feeling and belief. It doesn’t work just to say them; you must feel them. Remember feeling is vital. What helped me here was thinking about people with a life I admired. Someone who had already achieved the dreams I was ready to create. Why was their life so great? Because they believed it was. There is a little trick to this I say the new positive thoughts as if I was that person I admired. I also got super excited that this person led the way for me; this created good vibes all around. (You are building your positivity muscle.) Before I knew it, that person became me.
Practice 4: See Your Wish as Already Accomplished
Don’t think about the future. Feel in the now. In my practice, I see my wishes as already having been accomplished. I experience what that feels like, savoring the feeling in my body. I stay in a profound state of gratitude for my wish having been already realized — as if it already were brought into being. Remember, the mind knows what you tell it. If you tell it life is shitty - it will be so. But if you tell it life is amazing, it will begin to act as if! The more natural your wish feels, the faster you will create it in your life.
Practice 5: Stay Clear of Negative Energy
This one is important. You must stay clear of people who bring your head down. You are new at this, so you need supportive people around you—people who will cheer you on, not fill your head with doubt. Doubt is what you are working on getting rid of. Keep yourself fixed on your ability to attract whatever you previously thought was missing in your life. When you trust yourself to decide what is to be your destiny, you don’t allow externals to discourage or influence you. Never allow outside circumstances to distract you from your goals.
Practice 6: Belief in Your Divine Power
This is best done through meditation. This is a time and place where you can connect with the best version of yourself. Your true self actually does have infinite potential. If thoughts create our life, then limiting thoughts rob this god given potential from us. Not only should you not believe them, but you also should not give them any space in your consciousness. Meditation is a time and place where we bring in the infinite. The great news here is you don’t need to go it alone. There is this very cool thing that happens in meditation. When you put in the effort, whatever that thing is that created us, gets so excited and comes in and meets you.
Those are six practical practices that can truly change your life. Make them a part of your everyday life. I brought them on board one at a time until it was more of who I was and less of what I was trying to become. The key is to know you deserve this and that it is possible for anyone who puts in the effort.
You are only one positive thought away from creating a life of joy.
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