Livestream and On-Demand Classes
Weekly Classes
Effective April 3, 2021
Bare Bones Basics: Mondays at 6:30 pm
Meditation: Monday & Wednesday at
8 am
Breathe, Stretch & Flow: Wednesday at 12:45 pm
Weekly Satsang: Saturdays at 10:00 am
Deep Stretch: Saturdays at 11:15am
All classes are held online using the Namastream platform
$75 Monthly Subscription:
3 Livestream Movement Classes Each Week
2 Livestream Meditations every Monday and Wednesday at 8 am.
Livestream Satsang on Saturdays
Weekly pre-recorded Meditative Flow
A library of mini classes that will be added to monthly
Each live class is available for use for one week
Drop-In Classes
Live Stream Drop-In: $18 per class session
Explore my classes at your own pace, without commitment. Select a class from my schedule and carve out a bit of time to care for yourself.
Join My Livestream
To join my live-stream, please use CHROME, FIREFOX, or SAFARI browsers.
Open your browser and log in to your Namastream site.
Click on your "Events" tab in the top right corner where you will see all of your upcoming events listed.
At the designated start time, click the "Join Session" button. The button will remain grey until I start the live-stream.
If you have never used Zoom before, it will ask you to download Zoom to your device.
Once Zoom is installed, the Zoom window will open and you'll be able to participate in the live-stream.
I’ve known Paula for several years and she is an amazing teacher and inspiration. Her Bare Bones Basics classes introduced me to yoga and made me a life-long devotee of the practice. Her classes are accessible, challenging, healing, thoughtful and fun. They allow space for different levels and build the foundations of an integrated practice... and more!
— Lauraine
Breathe, Stretch & Flow
A purposeful gentle flow
Together we will explore a series of poses that are designed to deepen our experience of our outer and inner body. Through a deeper listening to the organs we learn how the body can begin to heal itself. The focus will be placed on the breath, the mind and a change in your nervous system.
All levels welcome.
Props: 2 blocks, a blanket, gertie ball
Stretch and Tone
There are three things that work to help the muscles release and create balance in the body, in a deep and long lasting way: A relaxed state of mind, a connection to your core, and time.
Stretch and Tone has it all! We begin with breathing to help settle you in. Then we will go through a series of targeted, toning exercises, followed by a short basic flow of yoga poses that will integrate both flexibility, strength and body awareness. We will close with a few long stretches and a short centering that will help you release on many levels.
Props: 2 blocks, resistance band, blanket, gertie ball
Bare Bones Basics
Are you new to Yoga? Do you feel inflexible or not sure what to do in class? I can help!
In this class, you will be guided step-by-step through poses and breathing exercises. Our patient and skilled Bare Bones instructors are specially trained to work with beginners, as well as those with injuries, joint issues, or inflexibility. This class is designed to help you understand how to do apose correctly and how the pose can help you develop with flexibity, strength and help injuries.
Props: Resistance band, gertie ball, yoga blanket, 2 blocks
Why Meditate?
I truly believe meditation is the key to a fulfilling life. It allows you to open yourself to the possibilites that await you and prepares you for the path you'll take to create the life you've always wanted.
I've included the meditation above as a way to introduce meditation into your life. This meditation is from our Silver Linings Meditations, started at the beginning of the pandemic as a way to help us all cope with what was happening. We've built a wonderful meditation community and I'd love for you to join us. When you are ready, please join us on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am for Silver Lining Meditations.
Young Living Essential Oils
Whether you're curious about using Essential Oils to support your health, or you're considering creating income supporting others in learning the impact of the plants, this short talk details why I've chosen to partner with Young Living, both for my wellness and my business. Supporting thousands of families as they free themselves from debt, and find their purpose in sharing preventative healthcare is a path I find great purpose in.The plant medicine is a natural alternative to chemical and pharmaceutical products. It has healed many and created harmony and balance in many more.
If you'd like to enjoy the benefits of Young Living Oils in your home or wellness office, or consider a business as part of our growing team, please feel free to contact me This work has led, to many wonderful new friends and an enriching community and has taken me on a path to true financial freedom.